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Trees and Plants

You've found our some of the trees in the park! I hope you enjoyed the pun (as this sign is located next to the dog park) and much as we do at City Hall. All of the trees on the sign are located here in the park. Two of the large cottonwoods even have their own name. Pay close attention to the different barks and leaves that each unique tree has as you try to identify them

Trees Final Draft

As you may have read on the sign, there is a science behind the dating and studying of trees. The science of studying trees is known as dendrology. Trees are identified by their bark, flowers, fruits, seeds, and different twig traits.

Tree Dating Final Draft

For more information on the hardwood trees in Minnesota:

Minnesota Native Trees (DNR):

Floodplain Forest
Riverside-Riebe park is located on a floodplain forest so you may notice that the park is prone to periodic flooding. It also means that the parks are home to unique forms of wildlife.

Flood Plain Forest Final DraftFor pictures of Princeton during a flood visit:
For more information on floodplain forests:
Minnesota DNR: